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WHAT publication
title De Ontdekkingsreis naar Foe Ooi Leeuw (the expedition to foe ooi leeuw)
FOR WHOM young designers & industry
why presented during the launch of the project Foe Ooi Leeuw
WHEN july 2007
related dvd foe ooi leeuw
Foe ooi leeuw means; "a house to live in harmony together". In this case a new building with 54 appartements for elderly chinese coming from all parts of Holland, to live in together. This is a young designers & industry and Kunstenaars & Co project whereby 8 designers/ artists worked together with the future Chinese tenants to devise a new product or service for their new home.

This small publication was intended as an introduction of the project, the designers/artists and all other involved parties. It was presented to the future tenants of Foe Ooi Leeuw during the launch of the project in july 2007.

A more extensive publication showing the process and the results of the project will be completed in april/may 2009.